Baby Talk V.10

Lilly's imagination is in full swing these days and it is awesome. She comes up with some of the craziest stuff (like the above) and as hard as I try to be all "That's not polite! Don't talk like that!" I am secretly giggling inside. Here are some more fun things Lilly says:

- Cram-ra: She is trying to say camera. This refers to either the camera or the video baby monitor.
- Hanatizer: Hand Sanitizer
- I: Used in place of "me". Let I see. 
- Sprinkley: Sparkle
- Hambanger: Hamburger

I can only imagine the stories Lilly and Rosie will come up with together once Rosie starts talking. 

Lilly's Punzel Wig

I think I may be a little more excited about Lilly's Halloween costume then she is. Which is saying something because she is pretty stoked. She is going to be "Punzel" and I used this tutorial by Kid Craft to make the wig. The tutorial was pretty great- I would only add two things that I tweaked a bit.

  • First, instead of cutting each length individually (which would have taken me ALL DAY) I spaced two chairs at the desired length, then wrapped the yarn around the backs of said chairs. Then I could cut all of the lengths at once. 
  • Second- I didn't tie a piece of yarn around the middle before sewing it to the cap (well, I did but was left with a big bald spot on the back of the head.) Instead I laid all the lengths across a table and sewed on about 10 strands at a time (from the middle) using a back stitch. This gave me a much longer "part" and covered more of her head. 
It probably took me about two hours total to make, which isn't too bad. And it turned out so well! The wig is pretty secure too. Lilly did some major dancing and jumping and whipping it around before it finally fell off. Now I just have to clean up the ends, add some flowers and she is set! Lilly told me it needed the flowers. She was all "Duh, mom!" 

Happy crafting!

Rosie's 4th month

Stats: weight 12 lbs 13oz (25%), height 24 1/4 inches (50%), head circ 16 1/4 inches (75%) so basically she is a match stick.

Mommy's thoughts: Remember when Rosie slept through the night? That didn't last. I hope think she is teething. She is drooling like crazy and generally more fussy then usual. Lilly hates the drool. She is constantly loosing it over the drool. MOMMY!! ROSIE IS GOING TO SPIT UP ON MY DRESS! Lilly, it's not spit up it's just drool and it won't hurt you. Lillian sprouted her first tooth around this time so I'm hoping that is whats up with my little angel. Because she has been less then angelic this month.

Rosie loves: Her daddy. She had been going through a mom only phase but that seems to be on it's way out. The second daddy walks in the door she is all wiggly and smiley. She really tries to get his attention and is over the moon when she gets it. I love watching my girls love their daddy and watching him love them back is even better. It is a healing balm to my daddy issue wounds.

Rosie likes: Her hands. She really enjoys grabbing at stuff like my hair (which is different from when Lilly was a baby because my hair wasn't long enough for her chubby fingers to get), Lilly's clothes (see above paragraph) etc. She also enjoys chewing on them and using them to grab at my face when she is nursing (which I kinda love).

Rosie dislikes: Being alone. She loves being the center of attention and does not like any time when that is not the case. If she can't be the center of attention then she does this almost cute whiney cry until someone picks her up. Mommy dislikes the whiney cry.