
Howdy. I haven't done one of these in a hot minute. Just to let you know I'm still alive and all- here's what I'm currenly up to:

listening to- rend collective experience. over and over and over. so good.

anticipating- the arrival of my knitting machine parts. remember when i used to make scarves and such? (let's not talk about the pictures because - i just can't even. redic) anyway- i stopped making them because my beloved and overused knitting machine went ka-put but i've finally ordered replacement parts. i'm super excited to get it back out and hear to the rhythm a scarf makes. it's super loud and beautiful. my husband doesn't agree about the beautiful part. 

drinking- water. and lots of it. i've been dehydrated like a mother- which i am. so there. 

loving- that i helped lilly make her first felt softie today. i cut and marked where to sew the felt then she sewed the whole thing up. when we started i was concerned that the whole process would be way over her head but she totally got it. i had to hold the felt together and occasionally return her attention to the task at hand but she totally finished it. i even asked if she wanted to finish tomorrow but she refused and plugged on. my crafty mommy heart is so so so proud.

also loving- rosie barking. we are working on animal sounds and she will pick up a stuffed wolf (close enough) and bounce it up and down while saying "AR AR AR AR". again- close enough. it is so wonderful -in the truest sense of the word- to see our children grow and learn. i love them so much.

what have you been up to recently?


  1. I enjoy seeing this type of post whenever, wherever they appear. and i really like your idea of thinking about women's bodies, their beauty, and their ability and god's plan for them. i'm happy for a little body loving this monday afternoon.

  2. I love RCE!!!! Build Your Kingdom Here is amazing!!

  3. I so needed to read this (even though I am 3 days late!) about a woman's body. I have lately been focused on wrinkles, weight, etc and feeling blah and your words are so true! :-)

    1. girl- you are so the last person who needs to be worrying about that stuff. I know we all do- but srsly. You are hot.
