Lilly + Cheetah

This picture is from Nolan's last birthday party. Lilly asked the face painter to make her a cheetah even though it wasn't an option on the board. Cheetah's are her favorite she says. Carolina kindly obliged and she was so happy.

Last month we were standing in line at Animal Kingdom to go on the Kilimanjaro Safari. The girls were playing around on and I was watching the animal info video that runs on loop. When a cheetah came on the screen I got Lilly's attention so she could see her favorite animal. Soon after she laid eyes on the sprinting cheetah it took down and killed a baby antelope. Yeah. Her commentary went as follows: A cheetah! Where? (gasp of excitement) Oh! (concern) OH NO! (baby antelope down) NO! Mommy! Why did the cheetah do that?! Insert a life lesson on the food chain and circle of life that she listened to about a third of and we were happily on the safari. Cheetahs are still her favorite for now. But her reaction to the reality of cheetahs was priceless.

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