Three Months Old

Little Miss. Rosie is 3 months old now and such a hoot. It is amazing how different she and Lilly are. I thought that all my kids would be basically the same as babies but BOY was I wrong. Here are some fun facts about Rosie's 3rd month of life:
  • Mommy was: so glad that Rosie is sleeping through the night. For the most part anyway. She nurses between 7 and 8pm and then wakes up to nurse again around 5am. Even though she goes back to sleep I try to stay up and get my day going because I am generally better at life when I get up before my kids.
  • Rosie loves: everyone. She is such a social little girl. She loves to talk and smile and blow bubbles. Lilly was a happy baby but Rosie makes it seem like she was a grouch! I'm totally not comparing them though (yes I am). She already have a special bond with her big sissy that melts my heart. Lilly loves when Rosie smiles at her. Sometimes it makes her laugh which makes Rosie laugh which makes Lilly laugh more and it is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened in the history of things.
  • Rosie likes: her mobile. It is one of those with a projector and it belonged to Lillian when she was a baby. Lilly liked it and would drift off to sleep while it played a soft tune but Rosie seems to think it's a disco ball. As soon as it turns on she starts to smile and sing garbley baby songs. To Rosie mobile = instant baby party.
  • Rosie dislikes: the car. This is new. Before she would fall asleep almost immediately in the car and now she just cries. To make her stop I must twist my arm like a circus performer and hold the pacifier in her mouth all while tapping it with my finger until she falls asleep. And God forbid I stop the car because then she wakes up and we have to start the process all over again. It is ridiculous. And I pretty sure I would lose my arm if I happened to be in a car accident while in that position.

PS-aren't those pictures hysterical!? I seriously can't take it.


  1. Adorable!! I think 3 or 4 months is kind of the cutest baby stage. Well - every stage is fabulous, but when they first start smiling like that it is amazing!!

    1. I totally agree. The first smiles are so rewarding after months of nothing buy crying and pooping. ;)

  2. She is seriously cuter than most kids! No kidding and I hope I get to meet you and your sweet girls when we are in Orlando in October :-)

  3. Replies
    1. I don't know about perfect, but she is pretty great.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Emma! I'm on my way to check out yours too!

  5. The third one, I mean really, I have no words to express the awesomeness!

    xoxo I love me some Rosie.

  6. Cutie Pie!!! Love that sweet little face!
    Also love that chevron blankie...did you make it?

    1. No- I think my grandmother did. I stole it from my brothers house. ;)

  7. Amazing! Such expression for such a little face! xxx

    1. She is such a cheeser! I can't wait to see her little personality grow!

  8. my 4 month old hates the car too. we recently went on a 10hr road trip to the keys so i got her a snuggle and teeth doll. it makes this crinkly noise and shes pretty in love with it! stops the crying

  9. Oh my gosh, those last three pictures in a row are AMAZINGGGGG. She is so stinking funny and beautiful!!!

  10. I love these pictures! She's adorable!

    Ps. Does your car seat have an extra padded bit? Our car journeys got a whole lot easier once we took ours out around this age! Just a thought!

    1. Confession: When I first read your comment I thought "that lady is nuts! Rosie is way to small to remove the infant insert!" Then I looked at her today while she was in the car seat and saw how big she is and how crammed she was and realized how right you are!

  11. she is such a little mini lilly! and so stinkin cute! i love those smiling pictures so much. you can already see her little personality shine through. so precious!

  12. Rosie has got to be the cutest baby ever.

  13. I don't know if I've seen a more adorable little girl! She seems like she's full of spunk :) What a sweet little family you have!
