emotions and elephants

It feels so good to finish a project like this. As you may remember, a wonderful gal from my church asked me to make her some "argyle elephants" for a baby shower she is throwing next weekend. 

I have made the pieces for an elephant before but never finished,stuffed or sewed it together. (shocking, I know)

I feel very strongly that I do not have any exceptional talent when it comes to knitting. I am simply following instructions written by someone else using techniques explained to me by another someone. Because I feel this way I tend to respond "I know!" when someone says "That is amazing!" about a project like the elephants. I am genuinely just as surprised as you are (I'm assuming) that I was able to turn out these little guys.

 As per usual, I under estimated the amount of work left to be done and was up until the wee hours of the morning finishing them. This is the aftermath.

WARNING: The following content is a little emotional. 

It give me such a satisfying sense of accomplishment to... you know... actually finish something. I know this sounds strange, but at times I need something to make me feel like more then just a mom. After hours of talking about Lilly, taking care of her and loving with my whole being it is nice to have something to show for myself. It feels very selfish and almost (ironically) childish to say those things out loud. I want to say that I do it out of some sort of support for other moms so they know that they aren't the only ones feeling that way but that's not true. I guess I'm just afraid that I am the only one and am hoping that someone else comes along and says "me too."

And just to be clear- I love my Lillian more then anyone has ever loved anything. 
(true story)

1 comment:

  1. your elephants are clearly happy with as they wonder around in the mulch of life. they could be a momma and a baby!.. they each KNOW they are adorable.. that their creater made them ADORABLE.. They are particularly fond of their ears.. as most all elepants are :)
    Moms need to think about elephants or jewelry or yarn colors once in awhile as baby's are an all the day long lovefest :)
