Pregnancy Update // 28 Weeks

Holy sheetrock. Did you know that the 28th week is the beginning of the 3rd trimester?! I didn't realize it until my pregnancy app informed me. Ha. Here are some unorganized thoughts about this stage in my pregnancy:

  • Thank Jesus for Pepcid AC. My heart burn had reached the unbearable level. I was waking up several times a night to take tums and that was with three pillows propping my head up. I talked to my pharmacist (who is also pregnant) and she recommended I speak to my doctor about Pepcid which she was taking. So I did. Ah- sweet relief.  
  • Lilly's new big girl room is all set up and ready to go. She slept (semi-successfully) in it for the first time on Sunday night. Now I just have to get the old nursery things out of the closet and set back up and we are ready to go!
  • We've decided on a name! Unless we have a drastic change of heart Lillian Elouise's little sister will be named Rosanna Catherine.
    ♥ ♥ ♥ Lilly and Rosie. ♥ ♥ ♥
  • Several people have told me "You look so cute! Sorry, you're probably tired of hearing that." Nope! Most of the time I feel pretty un-cute so please don't apologize. Keep those compliments coming. ;)
  • Have I mentioned how ready I am. I'm so ready. Only 12 more weeks!


  1. Love it! My niece is a Rosie (Rosemary). So sweet!

    1. Thanks Katie! I've seen the pictures you've posted of your Rosie and they definitely warmed me to the name. She is a cutie!

  2. Sara! You DO look so cute! And I love the name! It's beautiful!

  3. Oh my goodness Lilly and Rosie are the sweetest names. Perfect for sisters! Sorry you have heartburn. Somehow I escaped that nasty part and I'm SO thankful. I will say you ARE looking cute. I wish I was looking that cute instead of lookin like a beached whale. Congrats on 3rd trimester. Almost there!

    I wouldn't mind getting a big bushel of lovely flowers delivered to me today (like in the pic). That just might make my whole Spring ;)

    - Sarah

  4. I am a pretty new reader but wanted to say hi ^^
    the picture you posted is really beautiful, and so is the name, Rosie goes well with Lilly :)


    1. Hi Sabrina! Thanks for commenting- I love to get to know my readers. xoxo

  5. Love her name! It's precious!!!

    1. Can't wait to hear the name for your new little. ;)

  6. I love the name. I really like both them actually. And I think you look beautiful!

  7. Great name! And 12 more weeks?! Holy crap!

  8. Lilly and Rosie. Those are wonderful names for two girls who will (hopefully) be the best of friends. (:

  9. Glad the Pepcid is working for you. I also had terrible heartburn. I found what worked really well for me.... a vanilla milkshake from Howard's Beef and Bun. Heavenly! Maybe that's why I gained so much weight!
    Sweet name you chose for your new little one.

  10. I love these names. And yes, you DO look super cute!
