Hey- remember that time I was pregnant. You should. It was like 3 weeks ago. While I'm not sad about loosing the belly it is fun to look back at the pictures. Here is a little recap of my pregnancy with Rosanna Catherine.
- weight gained- approximately 30lbs. I don't really remember my exact pre-pregnancy weight so I can only give you an approximate.
- favorite clothes- elastic waist jeans and jean shorts both from kohls (and neither maternity) and long and lean tank tops from target and the thrift (also non-maternity). I don't really have anything against maternity (although I've found them to be spendy and a little too modest for my taste) these are just the options that worked for me.
- cravings- red meat. And lot's of it. Burgers and steaks galore!
- aversions- soda pop. The syrup was too much for me and made me feel like I was on a sugar high!
- morning sickness- no! Praise God! No barfing for me- except for once that involved some Mexican food.
- stretch marks- not on my belly...
Overall, I have nothing to complain about! Plus, now I get to look at this cute face all day long: