Pregnancy Recap

Hey- remember that time I was pregnant. You should. It was like 3 weeks ago. While I'm not sad about loosing the belly it is fun to look back at the pictures. Here is a little recap of my pregnancy with Rosanna Catherine.
  • weight gained- approximately 30lbs. I don't really remember my exact pre-pregnancy weight so I can only give you an approximate. 
  • favorite clothes- elastic waist jeans and jean shorts both from kohls (and neither maternity) and long and lean tank tops from target and the thrift (also non-maternity). I don't really have anything against maternity (although I've found them to be spendy and a little too modest for my taste) these are just the options that worked for me.
  • cravings- red meat. And lot's of it. Burgers and steaks galore!
  • aversions- soda pop. The syrup was too much for me and made me feel like I was on a sugar high!
  • morning sickness- no! Praise God! No barfing for me- except for once that involved some Mexican food.
  • stretch marks- not on my belly...
Overall, I have nothing to complain about! Plus, now I get to look at this cute face all day long:


  1. the baby image is adorable. I like the your of presentation in the article.

  2. You GORGEOUS pregnant woman. Wowza.

  3. She is beautiful and thanks for the pregnancy wardrobe suggestions!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I absolutely adore both of your little beauties. <3

  6. aw she's a wee love! thanks for sharing!xxx

  7. Stop. it. You're making me want another baby!

    (Congrats on the seriously cute baby!)
