Halloween Pictures

Ok- They aren't really bad. My sister is my saving grace when it comes to pictures opportunities. I NEVER remember to take pictures at family events and she always takes plenty and sends them to me. I don't know what I'd do without her. Unfortunately her subject, Lillian, was not interested in holding still and we got started a little late so all the pics were taken in the dark using a flash. Better then nothing though! Thanks sister!!

The matching pink pants I found were WAAAAAAY too big and, of course, I didn't try them on her until that day, so went went for some cute black tights and a black skirt instead. I made the hat and tail, drew some whiskers and a nose on her pretty face and away we went. She totally got it. She would charge every house yelling "TRICKER TREATS!!!!!!" It was awesome. I got teary eyed more then once. Now if I can just get all this halloween candy out of my house life would be pretty close to perfect. ;)


  1. She looked great :) Cute hat and the skirt looked cute too.

  2. Aw she looks so cute! Haha i love how her costume is a combination of all these things, but it doesn't matter, I think she would look cute in just any outfit!
