34 weeks

Yesterday at Dunkin Donuts the guy behind the register told me my button had popped. That is a true story. In case you're not familiar with the term- it refers to a button stuck in a turkey that will "pop out" when it is done cooking. Yeah. I mumbled something awkwardly and took my donuts to my seat. 

I haven't given a real prego update since 28 weeks so here are some of my current feelings about pregnancy in random order:

WARNING: sometimes pregnancy is gross at this point. If you don't want to know- scroll down past bullets.
  • Nose bleeds. I am sitting with a tissue stuffed up my nose as I type this. I got my first non-injury induced nose bleed while pregnant with Lilly and did not have any between Lilly and Rosie. Fun.
  • Still plagued with indigestion. Super fun. You know the saying "I just threw up in my mouth a little bit." It's like that. At least once a day.
  • My nips have started leaking. (warned ya.) It is just the colostrum at this point but is still pretty annoying. I have the "let down" sensation and then my ta ta's just leak a tiny little bit. It could definitely be worse- but still isn't my favorite.
  • I could feasibly have this baby in two and a half weeks. 37 weeks is considered full term. I have declared May "get this baby out" month. Since my c-section is scheduled on June 7th I'd prefer to get her out on my own- in May. The sooner the better.
  • I'm so so so so excited. A new baby! Baby coo's, new baby smell, a mini hospital vaca (seriously, my hospital is amazeballs), tiny clothes, baby wearing. Sign me up! (I know I may have selective memory about what a new born is all about but don't rain on my parade, ok?!)
  • Aside from the above things- I'm feeling pretty great. I doing good enough keeping up with Lilly. I am still sleeping pretty well. I'm pretty comfortable most of the time. I'm totally not complaining (and hopefully not jinxing myself). 
Safe to read again!

So those are my thoughts. I'm ready! Except for one thing- my blog. I'd like to get some guest posters lined up for after Rosie's arrival so if you'd be interested let me know and I will love you forever! 

Hope you are all having a fantastic week so far!


  1. Haha! I love your grossout warning! You look amazing! We haven't had a bub yet, but this is the year we want to begin (hopefully) so I'm loving reading your updates! You guys must be so excited - baby month!!!
    Wishing you the easiest of time ahead :)
    Sway x

    1. Thanks! Yes, baby month! For your lips to God's ears. ;)

  2. I'm so excited for you!!! I even read the gross bits!!!

    You look soooo beautiful too!

    I wish I could have a baby.....

    1. You're next my dear! First comes loves then comes marriage then comes Donna & Christian with a baby carriage. (do kids sing that song in Australia too?)

  3. YAY... my husband would say MAY is a great month to be born (his birthday month) Best of wishes...

    1. Ha. Seems like a good month to me too. Thanks, Andrea!

  4. you are so funny, strangely enough, this post makes me want to get pregnant again. I think I have the selective memory thing too.

    1. Just re-read the first few bullet points. Hopefully that will help with the selective memory. ;)

  5. You are probably THE cutest pregnant lady I've seen! You seriously look so great in all your pics!

    1. Aw! Thanks, Torri. I can't wait to see more pics of your belly!

  6. lol, that was so fun to read & to remember back when I was having pre birth ta ta let downs. Oh the joys. Hoping you get your way & have May as your birth month!!!

    1. Thanks Danielle! I definitely wouldn't mind the leakage so much if there was a cute babe to benefit from it.

  7. You are so so so pretty!!! You don't even look like your about to have a baby! How crazy is it to walk with you through this journey and Rosie is almost here! :-)

    1. Hooray! It's about time too! Hurry up Rosie!

  8. Happy 34 weeks. You look so great and glowy.

    The "let downs" - I didn't have it with my first pregnancy, but this one I am. I guess they know better what to do the second time around.

  9. just found your blog from SBD. i love this post. i just had a baby 11 days ago. i didn't think i would miss it, but i miss being pregnant. - even the indigestion. of course i don't want this baby back inside me. in my arms is the perfect place for my little one. however, i also had a great experience at the hospital. i left wishing i could rent a room there and just stay! as a first time mother it just seems like the safest place to raise a child. i didn't know how much i would lack on updating my blog, i just haven't gotten the time. i barely found the time to catch up on blogs i read. anyhow... congratulations on your little one on the way. i'm a new follower... as of after i post this comment. can't wait to read more.


