wake up before your kids

Whoa. I know those are fighting words- but hear me out. Imagine a quiet breakfast. Imagine enjoying a cup of coffee on the porch in peace. Imagine washing your face and getting dressed without having a little someone trying to rub mascara on their lips or pull your underpants down. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, it is totally possible! 

For the past two weeks I have made it my goal to reclaim my mornings. I used to get up before Lilly all the time... before I got pregnant again. (Uhh- so 7ish months ago.) The difference it makes in my life is worth more then any amount of sleep. I am more organized, happier and (a biggie for me) more patient! In fact, while I am typing this the only sounds I hear are the clicking of the keyboard and the birds in my back yard. Yesterday, I actually did 45 minutes of yoga! Was it a hard habit to start? Absolutely. (I've been trying to get back into the habit my whole pregnancy for crying out loud!) But it is so worth it. I want to encourage you to just try! Here are some things that help me get out of bed. Maybe they can help you too.

  • Reasoning- the average person needs between 6 and 8 hours of sleep. Plenty of successful people (and most mothers) run on 6 or less! That means if you go to bed before Midnight you should be fine getting up between 6am and 8am. Your kid gets up at 5:30am? Go to bed at 10:00pm. That is still 7 hours with 30 minutes of you time. 
  • Snooze- I know that I probably won't get up at the first alarm. So I set another! I change the alarm sound too. I put it on the other side of the bed so I can't just roll over and shut it off. Can I tell you how many times I have been awakened by a poke in the face and thought what the heck happened to my alarm?!? Oh, I shut it off in my sleep. Oops. 
  • Treat yo' self- Now that you're up and out of bed reward yourself! Put on some pretty lipstick. Make yourself a (gasp!) hot breakfast. Have a devotional you've been meaning to get around to? How about a shower?! Drive thru Starbucks, anyone? It doesn't have to be anything big but do something special for yourself. This isn't an easy habit to get into after all. 
  • Technology- This is similar to treating yourself (at least it is for me) but use what you have! I set my alarm on my phone and then lay and bed and look at instagram after it goes off. I usually give myself an extra 10 minutes to lay in bed and mess around on my phone. I love social media so it's something I enjoy doing that helps me wake up and get out of bed. 
  • Remember He is on your side- Proverbs 31 describes a woman who "gets up while it is still night". Pray about it. It will help! Trust me- this lazy pregnant butt wouldn't be getting out of bed early without some sort of divine intervention.
It gets easier every time. And you won't always be successful. I had a whole week where Lilly woke up about 3 minutes after my alarm went off. Every. Day. It was discouraging but she eventually got back into her normal sleep schedule. One of the greatest rewards for me has been the change in my attitude towards seeing my daughter in the morning. I always love her no matter what, but I sure do feel happier to hear her sweet little feet padding down the hall way towards a well fed, ready for the day me then when she sticks her finger up my soundly sleeping nose. 

I hope you feel encouraged and ready to take back your mornings. If I can do it, you can. Let's do it together!


  1. I hope to be able to do this when I have kids. I remember my mom used to get up hours before her kids and exercise/read her Bible, then make us all breakfast. I am so not a morning person, but I also hate being rushed in the morning, so I'll have to find a balance. Good post. :)

    1. Thanks, Katie! I hate being rushed in the morning too. It's one of the main reasons I started getting up before Lilly. When I don't get up and ready before her it almost always ends in tears for one of us. :(

  2. So funny you blogged this, this morning I was up a full hour before the kids and felt so refreshed having an hour alone with coffee and the news. Disney Jr actually was not the first channel on this morning!


  3. I always wonder how mothers (especially of newborns!) take showers. Whenever I got to my girlfriend's to visit her baby boy she asks if she can go straighten her hair while I'm cuddling with him haha. I can't wait to be a mother, but it is hard work!

    1. Weeeeellllllllllll... newborns can be different. Let's check back in a month and see how I'm doing with this. haha

  4. Hmm... I may have to start doing this.. :)

    1. You can do it, mama! Seriously, so good for the soul.

  5. you are so ENCOURAGING!!! Seriously I love this post! The past two days I've been getting up earlier before Judah so I can actually commit to the 30 day shred, he has gotten up in the middle of it but both of us are in a better mood when I am able to press pause (I am already full of endorphins and in a great mood) get him up and put his highchair near me full of breakfast so he can eat/laugh and clap me on while I finish the DVD.

    1. So cute! I bet Judah is a great cheerleader!

  6. I'm a new reader of yours, and can I just say how encouraged I am reading this post!? This is one thing that ive been so frustrated with. I like waking up before everybody! Lol. Thanks so much for the encouragement! :)

    1. Thank you, Kelly! I'm just glad to have a community of ladies to share in my struggles and success. :)

  7. you just had to post this didn't you.
    I have been feeling convicted on this issue primarily of proverbs 31 where it speaks of her preparing a meal for her family, I never make breakfast for my husband he always has to make it himself or go pick something up on the way.
    baby #5 will be here in october, and I need some "me" time so a case of the burnedout uglies don't come, and also so I have no excuse to not be in the Word every morning.

    1. Geez girl! Almost 5 kiddos and getting up to make them and husband breakfast! You are inspiring me now!

  8. Thanks for the great post =) Funny enough, I do the same thing in the mornings with Instagram! I lay in bed for about 10-15 minutes checking all my social media outlets haha. Good to know I'm not the only one!

  9. your blog is so, so adorable. i love this little list...it's so important to remind yourself of those things. sometimes, when i'm getting to bed far too late & i have to wake up far too early, i have to give myself a little pep talk. but maybe even more than your list, i LOVE the intro. it's such a sweet, quirky vignette. excited to see more on this blog of yours! xo.

    1. Thanks Bridget. I try to keep things interesting around here. ;)

  10. I still struggle with getting up before Ben. I miss sleeping in :/

    1. Do people still sleep in? I thought that was outlawed long ago.

  11. Hey Sara!

    I love your blog! I love it! I lived in Orlando with my husband about two years ago (I couldnt do it, im a total midwest girl....I dont know how you do it...). Anyway, Ive tried getting up before my little guy but he wakes up at 6 am anyway! Its a goal for sure, maybe when he starts learning that sleeping in is delicious.


    1. it is so tough when they get up early! blah. no fun at all. hopefully he will start sleeping in for ya.

  12. Even though I'm not a mommy yet, I really enjoyed this post. I really hve been wanting to get up and have me time before I have to start my day. Usually I just roll out of bed with hardly enough time to make it to work.. but then I feel rushed and lazy and late all day long... and its like pulling teeth to find time to do a real devotion time.... Goal of MAY... find me time in the morning again.

    Thanks Sara!

    1. Such a good goal. Getting up early has always been a good thing in my life. I wish I had the discipline to do it every single day! Maybe one day..

  13. This post makes me so happy! I agree it is tough to get up earlier, but it also makes for a happier mama to have some early morning "me" time. Great tips for making it happen!

    1. Thanks Rachel! "Me" time is really so stinkin valuable.

  14. Sara, I am new to your blog and I am inspired. I want to take on this challenge and think I will look into the logistics of it. Some days it will happen just by the girls sleeping in and I like what all can be accomplished in such peace.
    Oh how I must get myself to bed at a good hour to make it so. I need to be self-disciplined in not only the morning but the evening as well.

    Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. Good luck, Angie! I can say from experience that if you start getting up early without adjusting your bed time that an early bed time will come naturally... bc you'll be so exhausted! Ha!

  15. I used to do this before I was pregnant too... and started back this week. The first time I went in to get my daughter from her crib dressed for the day- she asked if we were going bye bye for breakfast. Oh it feels so good to be ready for the day before she turns everything upside down.

    1. Haha! Lilly asks me that too. Kids are so good at keeping up humble.

  16. You wrote this just for me, didn't you? We're still six months away and I am already nervous about this part. I love to sleep. LOVE it. And I know I'm in for a rude awakening when my morning routine gets a sudden change.

  17. tooo great! i am getting used to having a baby. my son is only 11 days and i haven't gotten the hang of actually having make up, clothes, and showered all at one time. its either one of the 3 and nothing else. but i have been guilty of sleeping as long as he sleeps! while i was pregnant i was able to wake up each day at 7 for work and get going... i should get in that habit again... especially before going back to work. i love how you write. entertaining.


    1. Wow! 11 days old! I think this applies more to moms of kids who are a bit older. I would never tell a mom of a brand new baby to sleep less! The horror!

